The woman behind the Ironman

Welcome to my Ironman world. I'm Katie, a full-time lawyer, with two small children, two dogs, a house, and an Ironman husband. The hubs is gearing up for his second Ironman -- IM Arizona 2012. Join me in my roller coaster year!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The IronWife

Who am I?

Well, I'm Katie, and I'm a lot of things.

I'm a mom to two small children, J, 2 1/2, and N, 6 months.

I'm a full-time practicing lawyer. I work in a large Midwestern firm doing commercial litigation.

I'm a dog-mom to Paco and Luna, and a housekeeper.

I'm also an IronWife. My husband of almost 6 years, Albert, completed his first Ironman at IM Wisconsin in 2010. He took a year off in 2011 for the birth of our daughter, but is now gearing up for his second Ironman -- IM Arizona in 2012.

I've been the marathon wife ever since we were married, and then the triathlon wife starting in 2006. But, having experienced it once, I know that IronWife is an entirely different deal than the other two. More intense, demanding, and challenging -- for him and for me.

I know there are lots of IronSpouses out there, and we get entirely too little credit. The Ironman athlete gets all the attention, the congratulations, the glory. Very few recognize the spouse who stays home with small children so their Ironman can do 5-hour bike rides on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Who learns how to make interesting and tasty meals using only chicken breast, sweet potatoes, and green vegetables. Who spends hours alone at night doing load after load of laundry so that the kids and the athlete have clean clothes in the morning while their athlete spouse goes to bed at 9 pm. Who goes without new clothes or shoes for a year so that the Ironman can get a new bike.

I'm not complaining here -- I proudly support my Ironman and willingly make the sacrifices that are necessary.  And I'm sure the other IronSpouses out there do the same.

But it's not always easy, and 2012 will be a tough year for me as IronWife and mom to two small children. This blog will be my outlet, as well as my attempt to connect with the other IronSpouses out there, for support, laughs, and mutual understanding.
